Project Management & Revenue Control

INTEGRATED & UNIFIED ANALYTICS Bringing reporting unity for project management and revenue control.

TU/e | Technical University of Eindhoven

The Impact


Bringing reporting unity for project management and revenue control.

The Client

The University of Technology Eindhoven (TU/e) is a leading research-driven technical university with over 12,000 students and about 3,900 employees. The TU/e has over 1,200 running research projects funded by the EU, national and international organizations, and local government.

The Challenge

To better control its revenue streams, TU/e was looking for an analytic and dashboard solution to:

  • Streamline project reporting
  • Establish one central unified way of reporting
  • Involve the non-financial professionals at faculties and research labs
  • Publish dashboards on iPads
  • Perform enterprise integration into the TU/e system

The Solution

icCube enabled the TU/e and our partner InsideVision to build dashboards and data integrations using a Scrum-like method. At the end of each day, a new release was made available for end users to review and to respond to, resulting in a high-quality and user-friendly system. icCube flexible on-the-fly authentication and authorization connectors allowed for integration into the TU/E security system defining access rights up to cell granularity.

"Fully integrated with its internal systems (Oracle EBS), the TU/e and icCube have realized one uniform reporting platform for projects. The platform can be accessed from any place or browser and iPad by Board of Advisors and faculty directors, as well as project controllers. icCube is one of the easiest products I have ever seen. Very friendly in installation, maintenance and stability. It costs me almost no time at all."

Dennis Raijmakers & Bertho Fokkinga

Head Functional Maintenance & Development & Oracle DBA