24/7 Data Analytics

EFFICIENCY & RELIABILITY Bringing 24/7 access to thousands of dashboards robustly

Kantar WorldPanel

The Impact


Bringing 24/7 access to thousands of dashboards robustly

The Client

Kantar Worldpanel is the world leader in consumer knowledge and insights based on continuous consumer panels. Running for over 60 years, their services cover 60 countries directly or through partners, delivering market monitoring, advanced analytics and tailored market research solutions in fields as diverse as FMCG, impulse products, fashion, baby, telecommunications and entertainment. Kantar Worldpanel is part of the Kantar Group, a division of WPP.

The Challenge

Kantar Worldpanel were looking to address scalability and supportability issues within their data layer. They needed a solution that was able to dynamically produce data schemas at scale while supporting all the existing (Microsoft-based) MDX queries powering thousands of dashboard designs. The solution required would need to scale across multiple servers and multiple instances of icCube. They needed a full load test across a broad sample of complex MDX queries.

The Solution

icCube's implementation was able to cope more than satisfactorily with both the load of dynamic production of schemas and subsequent queries. The icCube solution was implemented to clients in May 2014, and has been running successfully and without a single bug since.

"Not only has performance of the WorldPanelOnline application improved, but the features of icCube have enabled the report designers to design and troubleshoot (3rd party) dashboard reports in a far more efficient manner. We have been able to work with icCube on a consultancy basis on a variety of topics from data source plugins, to the theory of load balancing requests. We have been exceptionally satisfied with support and consultancy finding it to be very responsive and always thorough."

Richard Bond

Lead Architect