Embedded Analytics with AWS

SCALABILITY FOR COMPLEX SIMULATIONS Bringing quick, on-demand, and accessible simulation results based on complex data models.

Newton Energy Group

The Impact


Bringing quick, on-demand, and accessible simulation results based on complex data models.

The Client

ENELYTIX is a cloud-based environment for simulating and forecasting power market operations and their co-ordination with natural gas pipeline systems. Through ENELYTIX, Newton Energy Group provides power market modeling key services to help customers run this business efficiently.

The Challenge

Power market simulations are computationally complex and generate large volumes of output data. Leveraging AWS, ENELYTIX parallelizes each simulation to solve complex problems quickly. Newton needed a reporting solution that would:

  • Integrate with their AWS use,
  • Scale efficiently as the number of simulation and data volumes grow,
  • Work directly with CSV-based simulation output data,
  • Allow our users to explore simulation results directly in Excel.

The Solution

Newton's customers are able to run simulations on their own schedule and only pay for AWS hardware resources when they use them. Through icCube’s efficient backup and restore process, Newton is able to keep servers on AWS shutdown when users are not working with reports and activate them quickly when a user wants to revisit simulation results. Anytime a customer runs additional simulations, the system quickly loads the output data without any additional pre-processing. Most industry analysts being expert Excel users, icCube allowed to deliver simulation results directly in Excel using PivotTables, PivotCharts and PowerMap to dynamically explore simulation results.

“icCube enabled Newton Energy Group and our partners to address all of our embedded analytics needs and our customers are incredibly happy with the results. It was very easy to integrate with our existing solution and I cannot overstate the quality of support from icCube’s staff. Their responsiveness in turning around some requested backup and partitioning functionality made it possible for us to meet our deadlines and deliver a high quality product to our customers.”

Alex Rudkevich & John Goldis

President & CTO