Margin Data Validation, Comparison & Reporting

TRUSTWORTHY DATA PILAR Bringing accurate calculations from various sources and easy data investigation.

JSCC | Tokyo Stock Exchange

The Impact


Bringing accurate calculations from various sources and easy data investigation.

The Client

Japan Securities Clearing Corporation (JSCC), Japan’s leading clearing house, performing key financial markets operations for Japan and the global economy.

The Challenge

JSCC needed to validate cleared OTC derivatives initial margin data of its clearing members and member‘s clients portfolios. The objective was to generate comparison reports and performing data analysis on aggregated and detailed VaR P&L vector data delivered by two (production and validation) risk systems.

The Solution

Taking advantage of icCube's easy configuration of multiple data sources and programmable data transformation (ETL) functionality, JSCC was able to create analytic schemas to view, compare and analyze data between risk systems.A set of interactive report templates was built, which users can utilize in their web browsers to visualize and analyze various critical data measures.

"Critical initial margin data can now be validated quickly and easily and any discrepancies can be highlighted and investigated. Risk analysts are now able to view a menu of comparison reports in their web browsers, customize and interact with the reports and export them in various formats as needed."